goutom.sust.cse@gmail.com | +8801711664606
Highly-dedicated, self-motivated, and enthusiastic Python
Programmer with more than 5 years of experience in writing
Python code for web, desktop GUI, console applications and
5+ years of experience in writing Android(Java)
Programming Languages
C++, Python, Java
PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
Neo4j, Redis, RabbitMQ
Python 3, Django, Django
REST framework, Django
Channel 2, asyncio, Aiohttp,
Celery, ElasticSearch,
BeautifulSoup4, Selenium,
pySerial, PyQt5, Scrapy,
React/Redux, Gunicorn,
Nginx, Git, Docker, PyTest,
AWS EC2, Heroku,
Online Presence
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
2005 - 2010
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
programming skills
Most of my university life I spent on ACM
programming at UVA Online Judge , Sphere Online
Judge .Solved 486 problems using C, C++, STL and
about 96 solutions are pending as PE(presentation
error).My UVA profile can be found here.
Attended countless online, local programming
contests with the team or personally. I attended the
NCPC (National Computer Programming
Contest)and ICPC(International Computer
Programming Contest) on behalf of Shahjalal
University of Science and Technology with my team
in 2008.
Marcin Dolata
CEO, EasySolar
+48 509 333 442
Work experience
Software Engineer 08/2020 - Present
EasySolar, Poznan Metropolitan Area, Poland
Designing and developing RESTful API for web platforms used to
simplify the process of solar system design - from the companies,
project and client status, team, clients and project management, for
designing the solar system and auto generating a pdf proposal for the
client, also updating the used technologies to latest versions.
Technology Used : Python 3.x, Django REST Framework, Redis, Docker,
Docker compose, Celery, Browserless, PostgreSQL, Auth0.
Full Stack Developer 07/2017 – 09/2019
Work Japan Co.,Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
Here I wrote an Android(java) application for the first release, then
moved to the server team. On the server side, I wrote features for
interview time scheduling service api, building admin interface, user
profile management, notifications service apis, user’s job application
management section.
Technology used : Django, django-rest-framework, React/Redux, Celery,
Redis, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, Nginx, FCM, Gunicorn, ec2
Android Developer 02/2016 – 06/2017
AplombTech BD Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh
I was a part of the android team.I was responsible for adding,
controlling all wifi enabled devices(light controller, light sensor,
curtains) to this application.I was also responsible for defining
communication messaging format between mobile and our devices
along with my project manager.
Technology used : Android Sdk, mqtt paho client, mqtt mosquitto
server, mesh network.
Check the product here.
Software Engineer 03/2014 – 01/2016
Live Locally, Minneapolis, USA
Here I developed two projects. I wrote server apis and Android(Java)
applications, wireframes, and documentation.
Technology used : Android Sdk, Django, django-rest-framework,
postgreSQL, nginx, gunicorn, Android Sdk, Braintree Payment Sdk.
Developed products : CraftNotes, Thrifty Hipster
Software Engineer 03/2013 – 01/2014
Car Vision, Philadelphia, USA
Here I developed two projects with two other teammates. I wrote
server apis and Android(Java) applications, wireframes, and
documentation. Here, developed products were basically for internal
admin use, not for customers.
Technology used : Android Sdk, Django, django-rest-framework,
postgreSQL,, Android Sdk, Snapdragon Face recognition sdk.
Developed products : Employee Tracker, Car Inventory
Android Developer 02/2012 – 02/2013
Ergo Ventures, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Here I developed a few client products with Android.
Developed products : GoFresh, Dhaka Marathon
Python Developer 03/2010 – 01/2012
Ankur ICT Development Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wordforge is a Sourceforge.net project which is a localization tool
targeted for easing the process of localization by providing many
automated features. My job was to carry out research and implement
new features in this tool that ensures error free localization and
enables novice localizers to localize with ease.
Technology used : Python, PyQt.
Developed products : Wordforge